Two Time Champ May Return
Rumor has it that 2003 & 2009 Indy Squadron champion Kevin Richeson may return to seek a third title during this Saturday's 26th annual Armistice Day Fits Tournament at Saltire Games, 11723 Pendleton Pike, Indianapolis. Gaming begins at 12:30 pm and, in his own words, Kevin reports that there's "a 75% chance that I'll be there." The venue (Saltire Games) is just minutes from his east side home and makes the trip convenient.
Also expected to attend is Dory Oda, who may come straight to the venue from work. This might require a bit of patience on our part, but since she is one of only two people to have competed in every Armistice Day Tourney since 1989, she's got it coming. The Skinner family anticipates showing up with Stephen Dale, Ethan and Stephen Daniel all eligible and slated to play.
There's no word yet on son Evan, but defending champion Rick Lacy is a confirmed competitor and the squadron owes him thanks for finding a new venue (story below). Jim Barber sends his regrets but hopes to make a future tournament. No word yet from the Morgans, Ian Cunningham, Ken Mrozak or other Indy regulars and old timers.
Arsenal Game Room Closes
The squadron's favorite old haunt, Arsenal Game Room in Fountain Square, closed permanently last year and left us without an outside venue. Rick Lacy worked in advance on the squadron's behalf and discovered a new gaming store, Saltire Games, also on the east side of Indianapolis. Rick was kind enough to book a room for the Armistice Day Tournament, so we now have a secured venue in place.
Please be sure to give Rick and Stephen your impressions of Saltire Games and your opinion on whether we should return there in the future. It appears to be a nice venue and a good opportunity to game with plenty of space and food available.
Indy Forum, Web Site
The Indy Squadron web site (IndySquadron.com) is still maintained, with new issues of the Indy Squadron Dispatch appearing periodically. Please visit there and read the latest news along with rules and details of upcoming events and the Armistice Day Tourney.
And don't forget that the Indy Squadron Forum - the world's first forum dedicated to Dawn Patrol - is up and running. There has been a dearth of activity there over the summer, but it remains perhaps the best way to communicate to the entire squadron. Be sure to stop by.
See you Saturday for the 26th Indy Squadron championship tournament!