Published November 14, 2021
German Comeback Falls Short in Armistice Tourney
The 33rd Indy Squadron Armistice Day Fits Tournament was held in Lewisville, Indiana on November 13, 2021 with the following teams competing for the Victory Medal:
Dory Oda Fokker DVII 185
Stephen Dale Skinner Pfalz DrI
Ethan Skinner Nieuport 28
Rick Lacy Morane Saulnier AI
Stephen Skinner Sopwith Camel 110 hp
Despite the fact that Dory's Fokker scored a light wound on Rick's Morane pilot on the opening turn, the Germans found themselves in serious trouble almost from the outset. Stephen's Camel hammered Stephen Dale's triplane for 11 hits, inflicting a rudder jam that forced the German outside the tourney box. It was ruled that according to squadron precedent, he would be allowed to rejoin the fight if he returned to the box immediately after fixing the rudder.