Offenheimer Downs Balloon on 5th Mission
The Indy Squadron held its final gaming day of 2017 on Saturday, December 9th, with Ethan, Bob and Stephen in attendance. The Meister's east side home again served as our venue and we graciously thank them for having us over and for all of Donna's amazing cooking. Both Bob and Stephen had potential fourth players in line who weren't able to attend, so in keeping with Dawn Patrol tradition, we played a handful of balloon missions while waiting in vain for their eventual arrival.
The first mission had Stephen's 190 hp Bristol Fighter (2LT Clayton Butterworth, 12/1 & LT Delbert Cassidy, 10/0) defending a British balloon floating at 800 feet altitude. The attackers were Ethan's Albatros pilot, Dolf Meinhart (9/4) and Bob's most experienced German pilot, Rudy Offenheimer, on his sixth mission.
The Germans eventually deflated the balloon but Bob won the cut for victory credit, preventing Ethan's Albatros pilot from scoring his fifth kill. Stephen's long time Bristol pilot, 2LT Clayton Butterworth, logged his 12th mission to gain experienced status.