Bob Dominates 2019 Indy Title Game
Germans Prevail in Route
For just the second time in Indy Squadron history, both Red Baron Fight and the Armistice Day Fits Tournament were held on the same day. On Saturday, November 16th, 2019, seven players gathered at the Danger Room (833 E 53rd St, Anderson IN) to hold both events. Red Baron Fight XXX began around 11:30 am (story below), followed by Indy's 31st annual championship tourney. Rick Lacy designed a well balanced scenario that stacked up like this:
Kevin Richeson, Camel 110
Stephen Dale Skinner, Sopwith Dolphin (no Lewis)
Ethan Skinner, SPAD XIII
Stephen Skinner, Morane Saulnier AI
Bob Meister, Pfalz DXII
Rick Lacy, SSW DIII
Bruce Yoder, Fokker DVI
On paper the Allies should have had a slight edge in a reasonably balanced game. In reality, things started badly for the Allies and only got worse.