Oct 13 Gaming Report; Fall Gaming Season Begins
The fall gaming season kicked off at Hometown Comics and Games in Greenfield on October 13th, following the Indy Squadron's traditional summer break. Four games were played with four players in attendance.
Game 1
The first scenario featured a pair of French SPAD 7's (Ethan, Stephen) attacking a balloon. Ethan's pilot attacked the balloon twice, scoring a maximum burst on his second pass, while Stephen managed only one hit factor. Yet Stephen won the cut for the kill, his pilot's first in four missions (SGT Ferdinand Steniello, 4/1).
Game 2
Game Two featured another French SPAD (Rick) defending an Allied balloon floating at 500 feet. The Albatros DV's of Ethan and Stephen attacked, both inflicting heavy damage and flaming the balloon with a single firing run. The credit again went to Stephen's pilot (LTN Johannes Beck, 6/2), although his Albatros was severely shot up with four critical hits and barely managed to limp home.