2019 Indy Squadron Calendar Released
The new Indy Squadron gaming schedule has been released for the upcoming calendar year. See the right sidebar of the home page at IndySquadron.com for the full schedule. A few dates may change, but most are firm. Potential changes could await for dates including February 9, June 29 and October 19. Dates for the 2019 Sprint Mini Con are not yet available.
Dates that appear solid at this time include New Year's Day, Whosyercon on March 22-24, Red Baron Fight in April (unless the Society Mini Con schedules on the same weekend), Gen Con in August and Armistice Day in November.
This is the squadron's working template and it should provide a good overall idea of what will happen and when.

BOOK REVIEW: "Britain & Victory in the Great War"
Editor Peter Liddle has produced a very interesting and unique volume with his recent work, "Britain & Victory in the Great War," published by Pen & Sword Books. Available in hardback, Kindle or ePub formats, this new book is a collection of articles examining every imaginable aspect of Allied victory in World War I.
Each chapter is written by a different author covering a slightly different topic. Rather than focusing solely on Britain's role in victory as the title suggests, the part played by every Allied power is fully examined. The roles of France, Russia, Britain and the United States are presented, with each respective author discussing a particular nation's contribution to victory. It is a compelling collection of material that almost seems as if the authors are competing to make their best case for each nation's role in the war.
The book concludes by discussing the effects of the war on European society, again with each topic written by a different author in a single chapter. Topics include poetry from Great War participants, the re-creation of the Middle East into the perpetual war zone that it is today, and a chapter dedicated to summarizing the tragic loss and devastation of the war.
"Britain & Victory in the Great War" is a solid read and is recommended.