Armistice Day FAQs
So what's the difference between the Armistice Day Fits Tournament and the Indy Squadron championship?
The Armistice Day Fits Tournament is the event that determines the Indy Squadron's annual champion which means that in most cases, the title of Indy Squadron Champion and Armistice Day Champion are synonymous. However, it is possible for a player who is not eligible for the local title to win the tournament. In such cases the tourney winner is recognized as the Armistice Day Fits Tournament champion, while the highest finishing eligible player is awarded the Indy Squadron championship title.
Who determines eligibility requirements?
The founders of the Indy Squadron, Scott and Stephen, in discussion with our most regular players and former champions.
Why are there any eligibility requirements at all?
Because the sole purpose for the Armistice Day tourney is to determine a squadron champion from among our regular players.
Why not just allow anyone to compete for the Indy Squadron championship?
Because then it is no longer an Indy Squadron championship. Instead, it would become an "Open" championship. The Fits Society already runs an Open championship, and the Indy Squadron holds an Open at Whosyercon every year. There is no need for another.
What's wrong with having an Indy Squadron champion who doesn't really play with the Indy Squadron very much?
The same thing that's wrong with a Canadian Football League team that suddenly shows up in February and demands to play in the NFL's Super Bowl. The Super Bowl is not an unqualified, at-large championship for any football team in the world. Its specific purpose is to determine a champion from among the National Football League's member teams that have played each other all season.
The Armistice Day Fits Tournament is our Super Bowl. If you want to play in our Super Bowl, please make sure you are an active member of our league first by playing at least one official Indy Squadron game prior to the tournament in the same calendar year.
If ineligible players show up, can they still play?
Yes, they can compete for full scoring and they can win the Armistice Day Fits Tournament championship. We don't want anyone to sit out and everyone is welcome to play. However, the Indy Squadron's annual championship title is reserved for the highest finishing eligible player.
Was the eligibility policy voted on by the squadron?
Some aspects and revisions of the basic rule have been put to vote, however, in nearly thirty years of gaming this is the only decision that the founders have reserved.
Why do former squadron champions get an exemption from eligibility requirements?
Because they showed up and supported the squadron - in some cases for five or ten or years or more - before finally earning their title. A lifetime eligibility exemption has always been a special bonus to the champion.
Why not create an event that is open to everyone?
We already did. Indy's Red Baron Fight has no eligibility requirements and is open to everyone, as is the Whosyercon Open.
Why doesn't the Armistice Day Fits Tournament offer the big prize packages it once did?
Squadron members decided to refocus attention on the tournament's original award - the Victory Medal. It was felt that big prize packages were beginning to diminish the Victory Medal's status as the greatest honor the squadron could bestow.
What eligibility requirements have been used in the past?
For more than a decade the tourney was a by-invitation-only event, with the squadron founders deciding who had been active enough that year to merit an invitation. Although it was effective, Scott and Stephen really weren't comfortable holding the entire decision-making capacity.
They sought an alternative and for a few years allowed players to declare themselves either eligible or ineligible, but this resulted in a number of players attempting to win the Indy Squadron title despite the fact that they had never gamed with the Indy Squadron at all.
The current system was then adopted, which takes the decision out of the hands of the founders and gives it to the players. Those who game with the Indy Squadron in that same calendar year are eligible for the championship. Those who do not game with the squadron that year are not eligible. Every player has an equal opportunity to establish his or her eligibility and all year to make their decision.